0 Martin Luther King Jr. Online Archive
- Research
- by Hugh Smith
- 01/14/2009

The MLK Jr. Archival Collaborative, an online home for the electronic display of the papers of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is now live on the Internet.
Three institutions partnered to make this 'research rich' website happen:
- The Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center
- The Howard Gotlieb Archival Center at Boston University
- The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University
You can electronically search and view Dr. King's papers, writings, and documents housed in Atlanta, Georgia, and Boston, Massachusetts.
The Boston University Dr. King archive alone includes more than 80,000 items.
A few bugs exist in the online search system. I searched using the keywords "nobel prize." Several of the links that were returned were test links. In addition, there were quite a few server errors.
I'm sure the technical problems will be resolved soon, as the site is only a day old as of this writing.
Congratulations to the 3 institutions whose partnership made this historic black history website possible.
2018 update: The collaborative's links are broken, so we switched to the more reliable digital Martin Luther King Jr. Archive in Atlanta, Georgia, courtesy of the King Center instead.