
0 The New Mobile Phone Shortage Quick Fix

  • How To
  • by Kingsley H. Smith
  • 11/01/2021

Andrew was a former co-worker who constantly swapped his mobile phone for a different model so frequently that it was not unusual to see him with 3 different phones within a 3 month period.

A mobile phone of the month club didn't exist. Andrew was just in pursuit of his ideal cell phone.

Suppose you want the latest and greatest device to run that cool new app but getting a fresh iPhone or Android is questionable thanks to supply chain issues.

Vintage iPhones

Our Vintage iPhones sitting on a MacBook Pro

According to, 113.5 million used cars/trucks were sold in the USA when you add these three years together: 2010, 2015, and 2020.

In 2020, 39.3 million used vehicles were sold along with 14 million new rides (53.3 million total). So, 74% of USA auto sales in 2020 were pre-owned vehicles.

If Americans are so trusting with used cars and trucks, a significant purchase for most people, why is there such a lack of trust for used phones (and such a rush for brand new cellular phones)?

Here are two cost-friendly alternatives to the $1200 price tag you might face when attempting to score that new phone.

(Full disclosure - we have happily used both services below multiple times to purchase used phones and do not receive any compensation for recommending them).

Back Market - "Your Refurbished (Super) Market"

Generally a large selection of pre-owned phones, tablets, laptops and computers with a selection of certified renewed.

Cellular Country - "Used Cell Phones"

A large selection of phones to choose from. Prices are slightly higher than Back Market.

I can't remember the last time I purchased a brand new phone. All of the phones we've gotten from Back Market and Cellular Country have been issue free.

Read the descriptions carefully on their websites to ensure you are getting the most value for your dollar.

There are times when you may have to have the newest phone.

For instance there are certain new iOS features that will only run on an iPhone 7 or above. As a mobile app developer this is important for me to know so we don't cut out users with older phones when trying to decide on certain app changes.

Another developer option is to target the most recent mobile devices so you can pile on the latest operating system bells and whistles (iOS or Android). Many app creators do this.

If you like to lease (to buy), getting the newest phone might appeal to you using monthly payments. If you like to buy immediately for a smart discount, your best bet is a feature rich pre-owned phone.

Read more about our personal specific phones in Sizing Up Thanksgiving Match 3 Game Screens.