0 How To Create A Starburst Quote Using Black History Quotes Express App
- How To
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/02/2020

Here's a way to visually spice up any of your favorite quotes. We love the starburst effect. We show you how to do it in the video. Why quotes?
Quotes are very popular across social media. It's easy to create your own starburst frame or template to pop the quote into. I'm modelling above inside the starburst.
We use Photoshop Elements as our image - quote editor.
How to create a starburst quote in Photoshop Elements is a technique you can use in other image editing apps. You don't have to have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements to add this skill to your bag of tricks.
Use any quote you want from any source. We use our mobile app Black History Quotes Express for iOS and Android as the source for the example quote in the video.
You'll see how we get the quote out of the app and into the image editor. Enjoy.