0 RnB and Hip Hop Quiz for iPhone Video
- Quiz
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 07/14/2021

Trivia can get boring when all of the questions are multiple choice with just one answer to each question.
To make things more interesting and fun, it took much longer than we planned to develop the RnB and Hip Hop Quiz game app for iPhone and iPad even though we based it on our preexisting Android version.
Watch the quick 20 second video below.
We wrote nearly 600 questions, about 70% are brand new (single answer, multiple answer, and true or false) for the iPhone - iPad version. Finally, all elements of this game are done.
The plan is to release RnB and Hip Hop Quiz for iPhone and iPad early in September, 2021. Update September 6, 2021: Now released.
Here's another sneak peak at the iPhone - iPad version. Don't miss the original Android version to! RnB and Hip Hop Quiz.
See these updates:
May, 2021: RnB and Hip Hop Quiz for iOS
February, 2021: RnB and Hip Hop Quiz Just for Mobile Fun