0 The 5 Best Blog Posts of 2020
- Year in Review
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 12/28/2020

You may not see or read all of our thoughts during the year, so here are our 5 best blog posts from 2020.
5) How To Find Black History Stories In 60 Seconds
Rediscover a showcase about a mobile resource we compiled giving you hundreds of stories about different USA Black community achievers.
4) Hip Hop and R&B Plant Flags In One Mobile Quiz App
More than just East coast vs West coast, this is a story about bridging the divide between two important music genres.
3) An Affinity To Learn Something New
Discover more about how I solved a familiar picture image problem that you may have also experienced with your photos or online visual creations.
2) Quit Smoking App Ignores Doctors Nicotine Knowledge
Here is the back story along with new insight into why this project may be the most important one we have ever created.
1) Digital Footprint Kick In The Butt
Probably our most valuable story of the year in light of COVID-19, explosive internet use, and the impact the COVID virus has had on us all in 2020. Read and learn from the post again featuring the tech expert we profile. Is your online behavior toxic?
Hugh Smith (below) is the Senior App Programmer and founder of Quikthinking Software. He is the author of more than 60 mobile apps and a few desktop - laptop ones too!