Quikthinking Software Blog
0 Black History Picture Puzzle App
- Black History Games
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 12/16/2020
Picture puzzles are universal games that are easy to play. Our classic Black History Picture Puzzle mobile app is no exception. We commissioned a couple of artists to sketch some very noteworthy Black History people. They did a great job! Many real photos are also included in the app. Traditional sliding digital puzzles ask you to constantly move pieces around a play board. Don’t worry; this picture puzzle is a lot easier to play. Each puzzle is divided into squares: 20 for the easy level, 80 for the hard level. Touch each square to rotate it until the puzzle piece is oriented into the right position. Complete all the pieces until the overall picture is looking good. That’s it! In the short 4 minute video below I play the picture puzzle game and show you my best moves! Check it out right now...
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 12/10/2020
Don't miss me or any of our features on Instagram. Touch a post below to see more.
- Games
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 11/23/2020
We love the serious 'Black History apps' we create for the community. We also love the entertainment side of mobile devices. That's why developing a few games targeted toward the young at heart is very important to us. Santa Jump Game Party mobile app is for everyone. It's not a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena slaughterhouse. There are plenty of violent MOBA's you can play. But back to Santa... A year ago in 2019 we released Santa Jump Game for Android with zero publicity from us. It's a super easy casual game you can start playing and master immediately. Touch, jump, and score. That's it. As we release the iOS version today, we took some of the iOS upgrades and shared them with the Android version. Both versions are identical. We'll start to get the word out about this game now. Get your hop on with Santa. Learn more about Santa Jump Game Party by following the link. Watch the video from 2019 below.
0 Hip Hop And R&B Plant Flags In One Mobile Quiz App
- Games
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 11/16/2020
We all have our favorite decade of music. This is how radio stations continue to schedule their rotation of tunes. These stations pick a decade or two to target a listener demographic. Generally, the music you grew up with during your teen and young adult years is the music you identify with the most. Today, it's easier than ever to discover new music through different digital platforms, but only certain generations of music lovers participate in discovering fresh tracks. Maybe our busy lives are a distraction as we get older. With some of these principles in mind, we've streamlined our presentation of two music mobile quiz apps. Earlier in 2020, we consolidated three Black History audio book apps into one app keeping the same amount of valuable free content. We're now doing the same thing with the apps RnB Music Quiz Soul and Hip Hop Quiz, but there's a catch! The new RnB and Hip Hop Quiz game is now a multi-category quiz. R&B has it's own section. Hip Hop has it's own section. We focus on a throwback vibe from A to Z with the artists, producers, writers, and music makers. You can select the section you want at any time. The levels don't have to be played consecutively. Levels 1 - 12 are dedicated to R&B multiple choice questions. Levels 13 - 24 do the same for Hip Hop. By putting each musical genre in the same app, you now have many hundreds of questions to enjoy in the game. If you are into Black music discovery and learning something new, RnB and Hip Hop Quiz app is worth checking out. It's a consolidation of cultures. You can argue that Hip Hop is R&B music but we won't debate it here because each genre has its passionate disciples. Just mentioning the genre names conjures up specific assumptions we may all have. You can play the genre you love the most exclusively in this quiz game, or you can dive into them all. The R&B levels all share the identical level images. The Hip Hop level images all feature different people. Ignore the actual level numbers in the pictures below as these are not the updated numbers... The updated RnB and Hip Hop Quiz Game app is now live on Google Play and ready for you to grab for your Android Phone. We'll be updating the Android version for The Amazon App Store, and the iOS version for The App Store in the coming weeks. You'll find out right here when they are ready. RnB Music Quiz Soul app stand-alone is still available as of this writing in The App Store for iOS. Hip Hop Quiz stand-alone is still available in The Amazon App Store for Android. Eventually, we will retired the stand-alone Hip Hop Quiz app and the stand-alone RnB Music Quiz Soul app as they are no longer needed.
0 An Affinity To Learn Something New
- How To
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 11/12/2020
We've just finished the soon to be released iOS version of our current Android app, Santa Jump Game. One thing we don't like is our design of the iOS placeholder game buttons. What do we do? I could hire a designer, or I could create the buttons myself using Photoshop Elements. For designing buttons, it's a challenge using Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements (and the full Photoshop) is a raster-based tool that uses pixels to create images. For image designers, vector based tools are much better. Vector based tools can change an image to any size without losing image sharpness or visual quality. A quick search for 'buttons' on the global marketplace for learning and instruction website Udemy landed me on a course teaching how to create stylish buttons. (Read our thoughts about Udemy written in 2018). The buttons course instructor is using a software app called Affinity Designer. I had never heard of it. I did some research then downloaded the Windows version with a 10 day free trial. Mac and iPad are also supported. Unfortunately, this is software with a very steep learning curve. We completed the buttons course in about an hour. Step-by-step the teacher shows and tells effectively in the videos. Unfortunately the instructor never included an introductory review of the app interface to explain exactly how to use this complex software from scratch! If you are a complete beginner in this tool like I am this is bad. No problem. I then signed up for one of the highest rated Affinity Designer training courses that goes through the software from soup to nuts. I have to say that Affinity Designer is brilliant. The creators say it took over 5 years of development before they released the app in 2014 and it shows. Unlike Adobe's high priced subscription based Illustrator that works using vectors, Affinity Designer by Serif (company) at this writing is less than $50 for a one-time cost. I’m amazed at what a brilliant tool Affinity Designer is.
0 Heeding The Words of Coretta Scott King
- Quotes
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 11/04/2020
With the Madam C.J. Walker poster looking over my shoulder in our app production studio, I'd like to share with you a great quote from Coretta Scott King. This is a quotation the USA needs after a very heated Presidential election. I first posted the quote below to Instagram. Here it is again for you. Words of wisdom during stressful times in 2020. Check out all of the great quotes in our mobile app Black History Quotes Express.
0 Black Inventors In American History
- Black History
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/23/2020
Do you know how communities of Black History Inventors helped push the American experience forward? Amazing men and women used their creative genius to solve problems while receiving U.S. patents for fountain pens, mops, batteries, paints, furnaces and more. Inventors of color have used brain power to create it all. Their variety of inventions is extraordinary. In this video I showcase the creations of several Black Inventors in American History all taken from our mobile iOS and Android app Black History Inventors. Thanks for watching! Remember to follow Quikthinking Software on Instagram. We are @quikthinkingsoftware1 on Instagram.
0 How To Find Black History Stories In 60 Seconds
- Black History
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/14/2020
Want to know how you can easily find nearly 300 Black history stories in less than 60 seconds? Watch the video at the bottom of this post. It's easier than you think. With 28 different chapters, Black History Express App provides hundreds of stories about different USA community achievers. What kinds of stories are there? The first 9 of 28 chapters include art, authors, aviation, civil rights, community service / civil service, cowboys, dance, education, and entertainment. Download Black History Express app. Open it up. Your stories are there instantly. These are people you know. These are people you may not know. Are you ready to plug into important overlooked stories neglected by the media and overlooked in classrooms? We put a fun quiz game into this text based app too. The quiz is based on 98% of what you'll read in the stories. Black History Express is a free app you can use to update your awareness of the popular and unsung achievers who unfortunately may not get the credit they deserve. All of the information you are looking for is in the app so you don't have to be online on your phone or tablet to use it. Easily swipe left or right to the previous or next story within in each chapter of Black History Express. Watch the quick 29 second video below to discover more. There is no audio in this video. Remember to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
0 People Power Jigsaw Puzzle App Review
- Games
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/08/2020
Jigsaw puzzles are calming stress relievers especially when you know you can complete one in a convenient amount of time. On a mobile phone the portability of a jigsaw puzzle game is even better as this accommodates a fast paced lifestyle. In this video I briefly explain the People Power Jigsaw Puzzle app philosophy before playing the game for you. You can grab the game for iOS or Android. Everyday professions or activities are the stars in the spotlight that form the pictures in these puzzles when the pieces are fitted together. You'll like the slide show in the video revealing just a handful of the engaging featured folks. On your phone or tablet People Power Jigsaw Puzzle game-play moves along at just the right pace. It's easy to get a game in between other tasks. There's a total of 150 levels divided between easy, medium, and hard skill abilities so the app is perfect for all age levels. Watch the video below. As an alternative or addition, are you game for a celestial cosmic experience instead? Then jump all over Zodiac Jigsaw Puzzle App. It's a rainbow reflection of the signs, including yours.
0 How To Create A Starburst Quote Using Black History Quotes Express App
- How To
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/02/2020
Here's a way to visually spice up any of your favorite quotes. We love the starburst effect. We show you how to do it in the video. Why quotes? Quotes are very popular across social media. It's easy to create your own starburst frame or template to pop the quote into. I'm modelling above inside the starburst. We use Photoshop Elements as our image - quote editor. How to create a starburst quote in Photoshop Elements is a technique you can use in other image editing apps. You don't have to have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements to add this skill to your bag of tricks. Use any quote you want from any source. We use our mobile app Black History Quotes Express for iOS and Android as the source for the example quote in the video. You'll see how we get the quote out of the app and into the image editor. Enjoy.
0 AAeMojis App Emoji Family Explosion
- Entertainment
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 10/01/2020
In June of 2020, 'smithmalpee' (no relation) wrote us with this AAeMojis app request saying "I would like to see black women with bald head or low natural hair." African American emojis, AAeMojis for iPhone, iPad, or Android are black emojis to light up your emotive text message or Facebook post. I wrote 'smithmalpee' back with thanks for the suggestion stating that we would challenge the artist on our team to create one. Here's an inside baseball fact. Several of our AAemojis app additions come from loyal AAeMojis user suggestions. We originally released the Android version of the app in April, 2018 with 102 emojis. Through two years later, we have consistently added 49 more. Today, there are 151 AAeMojis in the app. If you have stuck with the app for the last two years, thank you! Early users have received the most benefit, as we've updated the app 15 times constantly adding new emojis since 2018. Always remember to refresh your image gallery (bottom of screen 3 in the Android app, bottom of screen 4 in iOS) after you have downloaded and installed the free updates. The iPhone - iPad app version followed the Android version and hit the App Store in December, 2018. So, running with the 'smithmalpee' idea, another new AAemoji (see the top of this post) has been added to the family explosion along with 11 other new expressions in September, 2020. Our artist is working on two more. She'll finish them in mid to late October. Enjoy them all. Thank you again for supporting us. Discover the link above for more details about AAeMojis. Follow us on Instagram @quikthinkingsoftware1 and watch some of our 15 second AAeMojis video movies on Instagram Reels. To watch Reels you have to use a mobile phone (as of this date). https://www.instagram.com/quikthinkingsoftware1
- Entertainment
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 09/29/2020
I had dabbled briefly into watching Instagram Reels when it was first launched. After a couple of eye-popping minutes scratching my head in wonder, I baled out. One recent evening, I decided to watch Instagram Reels for 90 minutes straight without taking any breaks. Yup, Instagram will love me for this. Instagram Reels is Instagram's 15 second all-video channel, just upgraded to 30 second videos or less. Reels is a Tik Tok derivative. We are not on Tik Tok. Reels joins the Instagram Feed, IGTV, and Stories as the fourth Instagram channel. Between the choreographed dance moves, funny parrot parodies, and delightful doggie tricks, these Instagram Reels videos are very entertaining. The next day after binge watching Reels, on a lark I decided to do one myself. To my shock, this first Instagram Reel I posted received over 400 views in the first 24 hours. Hmm. Not bad. As of this date, only personal and Creator Instagram accounts can use music in their Reels, but Business accounts (what we have) can't. The impediment is music licensing. (Check out the song "7" by Prince & The New Power Generation as he subtly uses innuendo to blast the record companies). With Instagram Reels, a Business account can use voice narration. We have a ton of sound effects that we rarely use. With these things in mind, we produced a 2nd Instagram reel one day after the first. Here are our first two Instagram Reels back-to-back. Each Reel is 15 seconds. The 2nd one has audio: The motion video in Reel #2 comes from one of our mobile apps. Can you guess which one? My personal experience so far tells me that these Instagram Reels are a lot of fun! Follow us on Instagram and join us for our Feed, Stories, and Reels (Reels is mobile phone only for now). On Instagram we are @quikthinkingsoftware1 https://www.instagram.com/quikthinkingsoftware1/
0 Quit Smoking App Ignores Doctors Nicotine Knowledge
- Apps
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 09/28/2020
What do doctors know about cigarettes, nicotine, and the toxic substances in cigarette smoke? Apparently, not enough to correctly identify the causes of cancer. A national study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, surveying more than 1,000 doctors from six specialties between September 2018 and February 2019 about their knowledge of tobacco use, found that 80 percent of those surveyed believe it is the nicotine that directly causes cancer. This Rutgers University (my alma mater) led survey asked physicians about their understanding of tobacco treatment practices, harm reduction beliefs and tobacco and e-cigarette use. A summary of the study in the publication Rutgers Today articulates the following: ----- Less than one-third of the doctors surveyed correctly agreed that nicotine directly contributed to birth defects, while 30 percent did not answer the question, indicating they did not know the answer. Younger and female doctors were more likely than males to perceive correct nicotine risks causing birth defects, while OB/GYNs surprisingly misidentified them more than other specialties. Family doctors were more likely than oncologists to misunderstand nicotine as a cancer-causing substance. ----- 34 million people smoke cigarettes in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. It's a frightening statistic, which is why we developed and released the Android app Quit Smoking Audiobook in April, 2017 quickly followed by an iOS version. The app doesn't dive into medical debates. What it does do is offer tips to stop smoking together with alternative behaviors you can embrace during the withdrawal period. The dangers of nicotine, second-hand smoke, and the impact on heart health are all covered in the audiobook app. You'll discover an abundance of stark reminders if you aren’t already convinced or aware of the damaging effects of cigarette usage.
0 Black History People Game App Guru
- Games
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 09/24/2020
Who wants to be the Black History People Game App Guru? With just a little skill, you could rise to the top! All it takes is some mastery of a touch on your mobile keyboard. iPad, iPhone, Android - it doesn't matter. Black History People Game app builds skill with your mobile keyboard. Black History People Game app builds knowledge about important women and men. Crush all 30 levels if you can. Each level offers 10 names at random. Enter the name in the time limit, or you lose a life while losing the round. Check me out playing Black History People Game app in this six minute video. At the end I reveal how the game supplies an index of every person we include as well as what they are famous for. Want even more of a game challenge? Try Black History People Name Game app!
0 Black History Expert App Expertise
- Black History
- by Kingsley H. Smith
- 09/22/2020
Would you easily enjoy scanning through the details about several hundred Black history figures, as a large number of your brothers and sisters have already done? If the app was ad free, would your experience be even better? You'll be the Black History Expert after diving into our hidden figures achievers app. It's a who's who warehouse of wisdom. Black History Expert app keeps the spotlight on personal triumph by using brief written narratives. Our other knowledge based titles: Black History People, Black History Express, and Black History Quotes Express include visual or game elements to liven things up. You get right to the point using Black History Expert. It's twenty-eight chapters organized by stories into a simple to use reference. Bookmark the people you are most interested in. If you want, copy the biographies from within the app. Share the bios too. Easily find folks with search. This app is ad free. Watch me use Black History Expert in this short 3 minute 24 second video. After the video, learn when I created the old and the new Black History Expert App from scratch. Follow us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quikthinkingsoftware1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/quikthinking Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuikthinkingSoftware